Tuesday, June 16, 2009

He's been with us a Year!

One year ago today our family boarded a bus to drive across the city of Kunming, China to meet the little boy that God placed in our arms. It was the scariest, strangest way to "have" a baby...but I say, " my stomach grew with 3 biological children and my faith grew with 1 adopted child." God changed us forever with Luke. We are so grateful for his life and how it has enriched ours. He is funny, loving, fiesty, sweet and busy! Everything a two year old brings to a house! We know that he was created to be a part of our life and family and we pray for the woman that experienced his creation, birth and the sacrifice of giving him up. Whatever her circumstances were, I pray that she will be blessed and come to know the saving grace of Christ. I know that God used her in my life. 2 Thessalonians 3:16 "May the Lord of peace himself continually grant you peace in every circumstance." It is with this promise that we move forward with a second adoption! We have started the process and continue to go down the check list of things to do. There are a few things outstanding with the homestudy, my fingerprints have been rejected by the FBI 3 times. I just went for the fourth time! I guess the print isn't readable. We are moving a little slower probably because life is a little busier. We will go back to China, for a special need, and we marked either gender on our application. That was the big question when we started. Should we mark boy or girl. Needless to say we couldn't agree which is why we marked either. Cole and I think it should be a boy, for Luke, since they will be close in age and both Chinese. The girls think it should be a girl because we have already done the boy thing! Dave was neutral.
Anyway, we will keep you posted! Hope everyone's summer is going well.


Holli said...

WOW that is AMAZING!! Time really does FLY!!! HAPPY One year FAMILYVERSARY!!!

themcclellandfamily said...

That's awesome news to read Missy!! SO happy to hear this and we are praying with you as this process continues and for the precious child that will soon be in your family. okay sorry for the run on sentence. :)
Love ya guys!!

Nichole said...

Wow, I am SO EXCITED for you guys!!! Happy one year Familyversary, as Holli says! I love how you said that your stomach grew with your bio kids and your faith grew with your adopted child. That is SO true! I love it.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe it's been a year! So excited for you guys bringing in another child- how awesome. Praying for the little one that will soon be in the fam!

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