Wednesday, June 25, 2008


joyphotography said...

Could it get any sweeter!

Anonymous said...

Dave, Missy, Cole, Shelby, Piper and Little Luke:

How excited am I to hear about your wonderful trip. I cant wait to hear Uncle Bill's Stories of the event when we are at the dells in literally 2 weeks.

Maybe you guys will have some great tips for the photography session that we MUST have for the "minutes." Since you seem to have the ONLY kid who stayed put for his pictures!!! Mortons do have FABULOUS manors!

We are so happy for you and can't wait to meet Luke and show him the ever famous Duck rides. He and Jackson are going to have to drive FOR SURE!

Prayers for you for a safe trip home!

Hugs !

Trisha said...

holy allergies! what sweet pictures. love that luke is just sitting on the couch "cheesing" it up, while there is mass chaos behind him. what a good boy. to think that little wren sat on that same couch just brings allergies to my eyes. all those precious little babies. we are dying for you to get home! hurry!!!!!!
p.s. cole, love the chinese retro 600 dollar jacket!
p.s.s. bill, so sorry about the bad boiler, but you asked for it....raw eggs, you silly goose!

Matt and Katie said...

aaahhh eeewww ooohhh hahaha precious... All of those came out of my mouth when I saw the pics. Cutest baby there by far (I could be a little bias). And I am glad you went with that outfit, SO cute. And as I read the blog laughter came over me followed by fear followed by excitement. Laughter from Shelby story but I knew you were joking because lets face it I know you;), Fear because I thought maybe the visa story was real until I read further, Excitement for you to be PACKING tomorrow wooohooo Love you guys

Anonymous said...

Hi piper I am so excited to go to camp can't wait to see you!

Anonymous said...

I love the pics!


Anonymous said...

WOW! All of the red couch pictures are great, but my favorite is Luke by himself laughing. What a doll baby...Glad to hear that all is going well and on schedule for your return trip. Can't wait to see all of you! Love, A. Kathy

Anonymous said...

I have tried a couple times before but never got it through,hope it goes this time. Doris told me something else to do. I might have to call Gary to find out what I'm not doing.

Fritz has put several new flowers out on our deck, you will have to bring Luke to see them, also all of you. We are anxious to see all of you.

I did have to call Gary so hope this goes through.
Love, Aunt Mary Lou and Fritz.

Anonymous said...

Those pictures were so cute! I can't believe how good he was just sitting there while everyone one else was gong crazy! What a cutie!!! I'm so excited for you guys and can't wait to meet him! Have fun packing!!
Love you guys!!

Kim Livngston said...

I am so happy for you guys. What an exciting trip. Cole, Shelby, and Piper are going to be wonderful siblings for Luke. God is so Good. I will be praying for all of you as you make your way back to Morton. Love, Kim

Anonymous said...

As Ronald Reagen would say, "Well" it won't be long till y'all can sit in a plane for 20 some hours and watch Luke squirm in his seat or cruz the aisle meeting everyone on board! The picture of all the children by/on the couch looks just like a typical Zobrist Christmas party or Sunday afternoon at the Rugaard's.

Bill, the story about you and the eggs reminded me of my freshman year "M-Club" initiation with you and "Bopper", except I think my egg total was a dozen plus!!!

Bring back some recipes because I don't believe we can find that sort of food at Lyn's! Also, if you would, give us a schedule of your trip back. Have a safe trip.

Uncle Neil

P.S. Ben didn't play last night.

Anonymous said...

Well - have a safe trip home! Can't wait for Luke to be introdcued to the one and only - MORTON, IL, home of the Pumpkin Pie Blizzard!

lisa kindred said...

It is hard to believe you have only had Luke for a few weeks. He is such a doll and looks so happy. Doesn't seem like he went thru any grieving time. He really looks like he has been with you forever. Isn't that so neat the way our Lord does that?

Sounds like you have had a great family vacation. So neat Grandma and Grandpa got to join you on the adoption journey.Lots of neat memories.

We will be praying you home and cannot wait to meet your newest family little guy!

Love, Lisa and family
Jer. 29:11

Anonymous said...

Quick update.....Ben went 2 for 6 with a single and a homerun. He scored twice,with the one RBI and a average of .286. On the down side, his first two fielding attempts, he made an error each time. Rays won 15 to 3!!


Uncle Neil

Anonymous said...

I join everyone here in praying for a good trip home and am looking forward to meeting young Mr. Luke Nicholson! I love the picture of him alone on the red couch. He is such a happy little boy!

Anonymous said...

Hi Nicklekons! love ya, miss ya, can't wait to see ya. Shelby we miss you and Jr. High girl's basketball so much we are going to watch Emmy's game tomorrow. Cole there was only 3 boys @ church tonight, we needed ya. Pipey, Sox misses you catching him off the diving board, he asks when your coming home. Dave I hear Lins Buffet, La Fiesta and Dairy Queen have suffered financially over the past two weeks. Missy, oh Missy, how I need you here. Luke I don't know how we lived without you for 18 months. 2 more days.


Anonymous said...

OK, It is 1:30 AM and I just finshed some work...but I could not go to bed without my Nicholson7 blog fix. How pathetic I am. I am sure it is a coincidence that there has been at least 342 pictures of you guys enjoying a meal on this trip. That's my kind of trip. And, Dave, can I join you and Mark for a big breakfast if I pay? Seems like your trip of a lifetime continues to be great. What an experience! It is such a pleasure that you have shared this with us. I assume you'll continue the daily blog upon your return? I need to learn the "Go Cubs Go" song in Chinese so I can teach it to Luke...and of course we need to teach him to say "go Brewers". Travel safe and thanks,

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