Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Trisha said...

o my word!! the pics. are precious!! i cant wait to c you guys. we went to the pool yesterday and i thought i was going to hear missy voice or hear piper saying lets go off the diving board!! i was soooo sad!! well i cant wait to c you guys! and love u guys sooooo much! love emmy shouse

Anonymous said...

Ooh -- Thai food. What did Linda have? We Zobrist girls don't like spicy!! I hope she had a nice, cool drink!! Looking forward to welcoming you all back to Morton. Love, Em

Trisha said...

love, love, love the extra suitcase story! that's my kind of trip...a new baby AND a suitcase full of new stuff!!! precious. DAV, you better not let BIG BLUE see you two-timing him on the motorcycle...so sad. shelbers, i hope you beat the socks off your dad in the racing game. and, linda, i REALLY hope you hustled cole out of some good old hard cash! missy sue, i must say you are turning a lovely golden tan to match your lil punkin luke. so fun! and, last but not least, pipey poo! poor ellie bellie. her lil arm and daisy's daggers, not a good combo. ellie was so great tho, and daisy, of course had no idea what had happened. i can't wait for you to see the picture ellie drew for daisy's baby book!!! hilarious! well, we are patiently waiting (maybe not so patiently) for the red couch pic's and the official papers, and of course, your return to the homeland!!!!!! thanks for letting us in on your journey. love!!!!
p.s. bill, didn't mean to leave you out, but, i do love the fact that you seem to participate in every shopping trip!!! teehee!!!!

Anonymous said...

Dave - I think that you and Mark need to go out for breakfast together alot when you get home since I'm with Missy on the fixing of big breakfast meals (no way - is usually my answer) cause Mark absolutely loves to eat a BIG breakfast too!!!

Love the Thai food comments, we had some kids eat some really hot chilli peppers at a restaurant in Mexico and ended up puking it all up!!! Oh by the way, they were filming a "Fast and Furious" movie while we were in Magdalena and Tate got to see some guy named Paul Walker that's in the movie. I guess its with Vin Diesel too. Lots of people walking around downtown trying to get a glimpse of the movie stars!!!

Hope you have safe travels coming home!!! But keep the travelogue coming!!!! :)

Love, Jan

Matt and Katie said...

Sounds like all is well. Are you guys getting use to the time because...you better not be it is almost time to come HOME!!! From the pics it looks like Luke has always been with you guys. Chillin' with grandpa, riding daddy and sis's backs, clinging to sis's necklace...love it!!! Everything here is fine just counting down the days/hours/mins/secs. Speaking of when do you guys fly out on Fri from China, I (everyone) want to be praying for you. Oh yeah Dave, after dinner did you have to visit the restroom? Or just pop some tums...wooo spicy

Anonymous said...

We had the PCS golf outing today. The weather was beautiful and we had a great turnout. Your teams did not fair so well. We miss you guys and look forward to meeting Luke!

Anonymous said...

Correction to Flash's post: Dave, your team did fine. We shot 63, missed a lot of puts, and should have won. Had some peanuts in your honor. MC

Anonymous said...

Hi guys hope we're having fun can't wait to see you and Piper I am so excited to go to camp with you.

Anonymous said...

63 was not good enough for the top three! If you can still have Sunkist in China - then things must be good!

Anonymous said...

Hey Ya'll - This is Libby and I
just wanted to say Hi! Luke looked like he was having fun on
the rides, and I can't wait to
meet him, also, can't wait to see
all of you. Just saying - I'm
smiling right now - I love the
pics and as Uncle Dave would say,
"keep em coming".
Love, Libby

Anonymous said...

Hi you guys,
Thanks so much for all the
pictures, the smiles, the
updates - all the info!
Really enjoying following you
on this amazing experience!
Love, Jim and Nancy H.

Anonymous said...

Bill, I got part of your message--only:"Hi, Mom. This is Bill calling from China". If there was more have David write it in his blog.
Anxious for all to get home so I can meet my 13th great-grandchild!
Love 'Ya.

Matt and Katie said...

For someone who is so anti wal-mart, for certain reasons; someone seems to be doing a lot of shopping. HAHA. Anyway just wanted to let you know that the economy over here is not doing well and with you guys gone Lin's Buffet and Dairy Queen are struggling. Another HAHA!! Hope all is going well and you enjoy these next couple of days before it is time to head back here and deal with all of us that are living of your blog. Tell Luke, I said Hi! Matt

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